

Here we go...

Strong opening from Elijah Cummings, Gym shorts Jordan is laughable at best.

I'm not laughing ... he's representative of an insidious effort that has gone on for FAR too long!

Screw the freedom caucus rethuglicans!

Tennessee (R) Mr. Green... oof


Going to be tough for faux news to spin this. America gets to see what a scum bag is sitting in the oval office and apparently he surrounded himself with scumbags. Do these mofos remember all the bengazi hearings. How the flip did Jim Jordan get re-elected?

Jordan is pathetic

Reminds me of a mob boss's trial and the Republicans sound like the mob boss's lawyers.

I would think the mob could afford better lawyers than gym shorts and Meadows.

Cohen ate their lunch.

Meanwhile, Mueller filed a supplemental memorandum in Manafort's sentencing, just dropped.


Oooohhh!   Just dropped!

A supplemental memorandum!!!


Relax son, people that have been paying attention to what's been going on will understand.

Trump watching this in Vietnam, on to be a fly on the wall..

On a lighter note my times just posted an opinion piece on dark star



Repugs are really worried about Cohen getting a book deal, still no questions about Trump's anything.

Meadows and Jordan should get extra credit from big daddy trump. They are trying hard to make Cohen look bad. Not sure it's working

Trump is probably going through the roof because they can't derail this and are not helping him at all.

I've never been fond of Republicans, but even though it's 2019


"win "at any cost is disgusting how low low these scum bags will and can go

it's just disgusting

politicians suck in general and I was going to say didn't these parents teach these people anything about morals.  But realize that their parents must've been cut from the same cloth

we are regressing as a society it's really shocking 

I even watching Hannity on Fox last night and it completely blew my mind talk about fake news and manipulating the public



I hate to leave the condo, but the sun is shining and the beach is calling me for my daily walk. I'm getting in about 4 miles a day, hope the snow is all melted when we head home April 1st.


I consider myself a well-informed person and have to acknowledge that there is just WAY TOO MUCH information thrown at us constantly that it's impossible to take it all in.  I'm not really familiar with this guy or what's going on.

If you were playing a drinking game where you drank every time a Republican asked a question about Cohen's actual allegations you would have had one drink after three hours. 

OMG Roy is going to cry for America

@popehat is a First Amendment litigator and criminal defense lawyer in LA, who began his career as a federal prosecutor and

blogging since 2004 under the same name.


Bonafide gravitas

absolutely shameful repubs using their time to talk about border wall, ms13...

that's not the fucking subject at hand you partisan fuck tools.

It should now be crystal clear that most of the GOP are willing to go to the mat for the president until the bitter end.   Dems need to isolate and call them out individually; indicating that THEY will be in the hot seat if they continue same obstructionist trajectory.

First order of biz:  McConnell needs to be served a subpoena to appear in front of the US House of Representatives.

>>> Bonafide gravitas <<<

Even a bonafide pool boy would know that tweet was spot on.

What do you predict will happen after today's testimony? 

I really want your answer.

People in hell want ice water, whose gonna give it to them?


So, nothing. 

>What do you predict will happen after today's testimony?<

More hearings 

Impeachment, way more evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors. Better than lying about a BJ, when it and Jared get indicted, the Orange man will negotiate his resignation. Unless he really is mentally impaired, then all bets are off. He will ride the faux news train off a cliff

So, nothing.

the Orange man will negotiate his resignation. Unless he really is mentally impaired<<<

If Putin has something big on him, it doesn't matter about any mental impairment

He's gotta try to stay in office as long as possible, the minute he's out, SDNY snaps him up.

He's named as individual #1 an unindicted co conspirator to a federal crime.

where's thom's links?


The jury's sleepless
We found your weakness
And it's right outside our door
Now testify

THOM you better talk about Winterland perhaps in a different thread


I would ask if you're in barest by any of this but I already know the answer blind hate and blind loyalty


 Republicans are afraid that if they're not with Trump they won't get reelected I'm pretty sure that's going to backfire in a big way 

Man up people have some ethics and some balls and you sure as hell shouldn't talk about God and church

Hypocrrcy she has it's limits


    Respectfully, and I really mean that, I hesitate to engage as not to illicit personal angst, because I think highly of a lot of people who post here...could someone explain how the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to hack into Podesta's emails?  There's a fairly large consensus that argue the legal theory that doing so is the only possible crime...are we any closer to that accusation being viable than we were this morning?  

     Ken, I'd certainly appreciate your thoughts on that, thanks!

Dude start a thread on Podesta's emails, definitely relevant lol.

Right now we're in the middle of a match and your boy is pumped.



>>>There's a fairly large consensus on that argue the legal theory that doing so is the only possible crime

Only on Fox News is that a consensus. Just for the record all crimes are crimes they are all written down and you can look them up. The President doesn't get to pick and choose which crimes apply to him, and that also applies to when they took place. 

Yes, Jim Jordan is the worst.

Some pure gold in his testimony, i like the one about dumbo saying Dumbo Jr always making bad decisions as Dumbo Jr tweets all kinds if ridiculous comments all day.

Nice work TOD.

The president gets to remain president regardless of proof that he committed crimes? 

Bravo Elijah Cummings.


What will Gooliani have to say?

FUCK TRUMP and His CRIME Family and BOZO GOP Followers !! SICKENING !! nono !!

Goo liani will say until the President loses an election, leaves office and is charged with a crime, the president committed no crime. 



Julian Assange Roger Stone Russia

Sorry Bryen, I haven't been following the Cohen testimony too closely.  From the little bit a did hear on the radio, it sounded like more of the same (Trump lies, Trump is a racist, etc.).   So far, I haven't seen anything particularly surprising or that wasn't already alleged before.   Thought the alleged comment on Don Jr. having the "worst judgment of anyone in the world" was funny.  

Considering the fact that Cohen has already fessed up to perjuring himself before Congress before, one has to take anything the dude says with a grain of salt.   I am not saying Cohen is lying this time around, its just that the Republican legislators can point to his prior false statements as justification for choosing to ignore his latest testimony.

>>>>The president gets to remain president regardless of proof that he committed crimes? 

Yup.   The DOJ won't prosecute a sitting a president and even if they do, the Supreme Court will block that.   The House might come up with enough to draft articles of impeachment, but if they do, the Senate will not vote to impeach (at least based on the record and specific allegations that have been developed so far).


     Thanks Ken, it is appreciated...take some time and consider it, I would defer to you on a lot of these legal discussions.  I remember visiting Portland many moons ago, dining in the Hawthorn [sp?] District.  I recall hearing beautiful tales of Saturday Market :)

     We live in interesting times, it's hyper-emotional...I appreciate the calm in the storm of your commentary as the Zone's legal professional.

That's why they have hearings so people see and hear it for themselves, with public outcry it should push Repugs to choose country over party and to do what's right, but we're living in the upside down.


     Again, here is the question:

     Could someone explain how the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to hack into Podesta's emails?  

You don't know? bro it's everywhere...



     Please expand on that theory

its just that the Republican legislators can point to his prior false statements as justification for choosing to ignore his latest testimony.>>>

Who cares what the republicans think, nothing will make them jump ship on Dumbo because they're afraid of him slandering them. a legitimate concern.

Not sure what Cohen has disclosed or not, if he makes certain statements it could lead to leads and fill in the blanks on current investigations or lead to new investigations, hopefully, or not.

I don't think anyone was really expecting an immediate conviction of dumbo resulting from what Cohen said today.

I listened to a lot of the testimony and didn’t hear anything particularly damning.

If anything, a House committee will ask Trump about Stormy, he’ll lie under oath about it and evidence will arise showing he did it. It will be another Clinton fiasco that should have never happened in the first place. Who he bangs is his business.

No one is expecting any conviction of a President. 

Just hoping for more donations to the campaign. 

good lord. one can only imagine the bullshit that would go down if this was billy or b-rock.

>>> Who he bangs is his business.

Pretty much sums it up, he's either fuckin' hotties or fuckin' someone over, that really is his business.

fuckin' hotties <<< This !! Thanks Vlad_DonT You Know this is happening Russian models melania there too. !______ or fuckin' someone over <<<THIS WAY Yes.

I spend a lot of time with criminals and all of this makes me feel unclean and gross.  I do think it's a little funny how hard the GOP is going after Cohen for being a convicted liar when Elliott Abrams, also convicted of lying to Congress, is currently Trump's point man in Venezuela.  What's worse, threatening 500 people on behalf of a future president, or assassinating a bishop inside a church and raping and killing a bunch of nuns?

The President's personal Attorney someone who worked closely with him for 10 years accused Trump today -  under oath of five felonies and people are all yawn. 

  1. Conspiracy to defraud the United States.
  2. Lying to the FBI and the Justice Department.
  3. Suborning perjury.
  4. Violating campaign finance laws.
  5. Bank, wire and tax fraud.


SDNY holding the money laundering cards, no doubt.

Deutsche bank being fined daily for withholding evidence.

Watched the documentary on the Nixon watergate scandal last week, lots of similarities.  Well done interesting show.

Donny Deutsche has a bank? 

I heard AOC asked better questions than Wasserman Schultz. 


     One thing I am not...is a democrat.  I stand by the notion that I've likely registered more democrats to vote than all of the people on this message board combined for the purpose of stopping the Iraq war in 2004.  Technically I am still a registered democrat, but that will soon change.  I don't believe I'll ever vote for a democrat in a major race ever again as long as I live.  It's not in any way, shape or form who I am.  

^howd you miss the mark so badly for so long?



    "howd you miss the mark so badly for so long?"


     I was trying to stop a war, at the time I was doing everything I could to bring about a noninterventionist foreign policy.







           President John F. Kennedy

           A Strategy of Peace

           American University, Washington DC

           June 10th, 1963


 Braying:   So you will be voting republican?

^It would make sense, Jim Jordan and Brayin' make the same argument regarding the Mueller investigation. 


>One thing I am not...is a democrat.<


Agreed, after watching that hearing yesterday, I'd say you have much more in common with Jordan, Meadows, and Company.

 I do think it's a little funny how hard the GOP is going after Cohen for being a convicted liar<<<

In the same light, if the GOP wholeheartedly believes he's an habitual liar and has branded him as such, why wouldn't they have even MORE questions about Trump if Cohen was his "right hand man" for 10 years?

Does anyone really think that the Republicans really want to know the truth, and if it came out they’d do anything about it?

It’s like B-ry. He accuses others of spewing partisan talking points, but he’s the one who is doing that the most. It’s a strategy that works:   Deny, point the shamey finger, and completely discount facts.

The constitutional crisis isn’t from Trump. It’s that Party is more powerful than the rule of law. That never leads to positive.

Republicans currently describe russia as 'capitalist russia'

The good news is that Roger Stone opened his yap and claimed that Cohen is lying, and that would be a big violation of the strict gag order. Should be ticket straight to jail for Roger. 



Roger always ready to take a bullet for the Trump. I imagine this story will gain traction in the media to divert the heat from

the brutal ass beating he took yesterday from Cohen, of course after the NoKo shit show subsides.

Trumps "redline" got pissed on into oblivion, it's gone.

'"Some really bad things happened to Otto — some really really bad things. But he tells me that he didn't know about it and I will take him at his word," Trump said, referring to the North Korean dictator.'

The more we find out, the more we know about Meadows.



Felix Sater is testifying on March 14. He is Trump's connection to the Russian Mob

First, let’s review a bit about Felix Sater. Sater was born in the Soviet Union in 1966 and emigrated to the US with his parents at the age of 8. He is an American citizen. He dropped out of college and began working as a stock broker. But in his late 20s he got into bar fight where he stabbed a fellow broker in the face with a shattered glass. He did time in prison for this attack. After he got out he got involved in a major securities fraud scheme (basically a ‘pump and dump’ operation) tied to the Genovese and Colombo crime families. He got caught. And that’s where things get interesting.

After Sater got busted, somehow he managed to offer his services to the FBI and supposedly the CIA to work on their behalf purchasing stinger missiles and other weapons on the then wild and free-wheeling Russian black market. Whatever Sater was doing for the CIA in the black market arms smuggling world seems to have become much more important after 9/11 – thus Sater’s high value to the US government.

Sater’s stint as a “Senior Advisor” to Donald Trump at the Trump Organization began in January of January 2010 and lasted roughly a year. What significance that has in all of this I’m not sure. But here’s the final morsel of information that’s worth knowing for this installment of the story.

Much more here for those interested




Felix Sater is a huge piece in the puzzle factory, I only heard his name mentioned once toward the end.

But he's completely innocent of everything, right "Bryen"?

You go on focusing in Hillary and the DNC. The adults will take care of this important stuff.


     Like the Russia scam?  

No its a witchhunt smartypants

Russia, meet RICO.

>>The president gets to remain president regardless of proof that he committed crimes? 

Yup.   The DOJ won't prosecute a sitting president <<

You mean the scam where he said he had no business dealings with Russia? And then repeatedly lied about it to the public?

That Russia scam?


     As the sun sets on the Russia narrative, it will be interesting to witness people explain their actions and statements over these last 2 years.  It would be refreshing to have people admit they were wrong, somehow I don't expect that will be the prevailing sentiment.

Sun setting...so funny! 

>>> Russia, meet RICO.

from the go!


"Always follow the money"

Its just water under the bridge then...

All those Russians.

All those contacts with those Russians.

All those lie about all those contacts with all those Russians.

One more time: F this guy^^^^

Rachel maddow had the guy on who wrote up the DOJ memo saying that you can't indict a sitting President. He said it had more to do with pushing Spiro agnew out of office than nixon. This policy is not set in stone. If the guy in the oval office had committed numerous crimes in N.Y., He might be indicted. Supreme court will come into play and Roberts will and has stood up for the nation over party. How much illegally is too much. Who gives a flip about collusion, the inauguration was highway robbery

The inauguration couldn't have happened without the collusion. 



it will be interesting to witness people explain their actions and statements over these last 2 years.  It would be refreshing to have people admit they were wrong, somehow I don't expect that will be the prevailing sentiment.<<<<


people willing to go on record as of March 1st, 2019 who still believe the fairy tale the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to impact the 2016 presidential election:

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Wrong about what trump is innocent, Russia didn't mess with the election. Trump is guilty and his family are angels guiding America back to prosperity.

bryen, do you believe in climate change?



     I believe the climate is changing, I'm not convinced those arguments are completely accurate on either extreme, but I do try to make a conscious effort to limit my carbon footprint, I've been vegetarian for almost 29 years, I try to limit my dairy consumption.  I'm not convinced there was a huge divide between the two candidates regarding environmental policy in the last campaign, although that will certainly be an issue in 2020.

     I do consider myself somewhat of a single-issue voter, that issue being anti-war, I certainly believe it is being born out that there was a vast difference between the two candidates on that front.  

     The point I was trying to illustrate in regards to the original post is we are witnessing in real-time the collapse of the Russia narrative, whether anyone chooses to admit it or not it is a fascinating moment in history, this is basically a failed coup attempt being played out before the American people and the transition to "oh that never really mattered anyway" is remarkable.

      There's a company out of San Francisco called Pattern Energy, they have wind turbines all over the world, it's down about 7% today...if it gets in the ballpark of $19.00 a share I think it's an excellent opportunity to invest in renewable energy, the annual yield is around 8%.

Who cares

Hemp bio diesel

cool b-ryen.

i think you are off your rocker with russia tho.


also, please point me to the anti-war party....or candidate....



     "please point me to the anti-war party....or candidate"

     2016 - Hillary Clinton v. Donald Trump:

                Donald Trump 1,000%

     The father of modern day noninterventionist foreign policy, and who I voted for via write-in the last three presidential cycles:

                Dr. Ron Paul


Christ, B-ry, will you please just stop with the “coup attempt” propaganda?

We have a system of laws and checks and balances in place, and it’s nothing near a coup. Mueller’s investigation has limits on scope, and isn’t there to be a watchful eye on the Executive (which would be an unconstitutional coup).


>>>>>who I voted for via write-in the last three presidential cycles:

                Dr. Ron Paul<<<<<<


That makes sense

oh yeah, bernie. 

the ONLY anti-war candidate, thanks.



     ^ I agree, Bernie is certainly an anti war candidate, and a reasonably good guy



     "please just stop with the “coup attempt” propaganda?"

      It most certainly is a coup attempt and history will describe it as such.


^You are delusional.

>>>>>>The DOJ won't prosecute a sitting president <<


Why is everyone including Bryen ignoring this fact?

Info Wars may, but history won’t. It’s just got inflammatory rhetoric with no factual basis.

As you know, I don’t think they will find that Trump colluded. It is interesting, though, that the FBI was concerned that he was a foreign asset. 

The big coup is all you partisan cronies who are calling the FBI, CIA, NSA and the media complicit in this coup.

Get a grip on yourself and reality.

And Trump anti-war? Are you ignorant? Stein and Bernie are both more anti war than him. That’s not what you voted on.


     Comparatively speaking, virtually any politician in America would be more anti war than Hillary Clinton.  Some of you on this message board may be old enough to remember when the democrats were the anti war party.






    ^ From the above article:


But what’s happening here is far more insidious. A core ethos of the anti-Trump #Resistance has become militarism, jingoism, and neoconservatism. Trump is frequently attacked by Democrats using longstanding Cold War scripts wielded for decades against them by the far right: Trump is insufficiently belligerent with U.S. enemies; he’s willing to allow the Bad Countries to take over by bringing home U.S. soldiers; his efforts to establish less hostile relations with adversary countries is indicative of weakness or even treason.

At the same time, Democratic policy elites in Washington are once again formally aligning with neoconservatives, even to the point of creating joint foreign policy advocacy groups (a reunion that predated Trump). The leading Democratic Party think tank, the Center for American Progress, donated $200,000 to the neoconservative American Enterprise Institute and has multilevel alliances with warmongering institutions. By far the most influential liberal media outlet, MSNBC, is stuffed full of former Bush-Cheney officials, security state operatives, and agents, while even the liberal stars are notably hawkish (a decade ago, long before she went as far down the pro-war and Cold Warrior rabbit hole that she now occupies, Rachel Maddow heralded herself as a “national security liberal” who was “all about counterterrorism”).

All of this has resulted in a new generation of Democrats, politically engaged for the first time as a result of fears over Trump, being inculcated with values of militarism and imperialism, trained to view once-discredited, war-loving neocons such as Bill Kristol, Max Boot, and David Frum, and former CIA and FBI leaders as noble experts and trusted voices of conscience. It’s inevitable that all of these trends would produce a party that is increasingly pro-war and militaristic, and polling data now leaves little doubt that this transformation — which will endure long after Trump is gone — is well under way.

so can we not vote for the 2 party system now?

or not yet, dad/mom?

UN says Israel's killings at Gaza protests may amount to war crimes

Inquiry accuses army of killing demonstrators ‘who were not posing an imminent threat’




^Bibi is going to get indicted 

Israel has no policy against indicting a prime minister 


     Some of you make loving each and every one of you more challenging than it would be otherwise, having said that, I have unconditional love in my heart for each and every one of you, namaste...keep it real, don't take any wooden nickels.

     I'll be in the golf threads if anyone wants to converse about subject matter.

     I LOVE YOU!!!!!



     It most certainly is a coup attempt and history will describe it as such.<<


Yeah, no.

What an asshat.

It you are interested to know what it was like or is like to work for this corrupt administration, read this article. Bone chilling


The trump appointees giving out names of the career nsc employees to conservative media so they could be hounded by right wing nuts. Unbelievable, I was state worker in the past, can't imagine this shit going on to federal workers. Deep state my ass




     ^ THIS...and a thousand other freshly minted accusations basically confirms the original scam, if they could substantiate the original accusation they would, but they can't, that was plan A, there was always plan B.


     CHAPTER 2

Everyone is wrong and you are right. The  times and the post are wrong , it's all sour grapes by disgruntled staff, right!!!!!

big rocket going up at 2:49 in the morning, I have to take a nap to see it. Night time launches are super cool and this the falcon , going to be real bright

cut up any journalists lately?


     Watch SpaceX launch their first Crew Dragon Capsule from just 5km away! (LIVE at KSC)



     I apologize, the launch is scheduled for 2:00 am est


     this is a correct link...




     Jimi Hendrix 

     The Star Spangled Banner

     Yasgur's Farm

     Bethel, New York

     August 18th, 1969




     Denny is correct...







     about the liftoff, it's 2:49 am eastern standard time.  ^ The link above will work :)


     Elon is a trippy guy, if there was a Grateful Dead show that I might recommend for him it might be Essen, Germany March 28th, 1981

     with Pete Townsend.  

     Jerry is in rare form towards the end of the evening.


     Grateful Dead

     with special guest Pete Townsend 

     Essen, Germany 

     March 28th, 1981



people willing to go on record as of March 1st, 2019 who still believe the fairy tale the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to impact the 2016 presidential election:

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could be the most sensible post you've ever made

I think a huge part of the issue is that Dems have been unwilling to "get ahead" of the Mueller report and stick their necks out on the line to call things like they are from the get go.  Now, after piece meal release of information and constant habituation ("numbing"), there's an almost impossible bar that has been set ... it's a dance that you're partaking in as well.   If almost any single piece of information leading up to this point were related to something Obama had done, your heads would have collectively exploded each and every time.


Yeah, Bryen we get it. Even Ann Coulter claims  to be a deadhead, but at least she stopped drinking the Trumpian koolaide. 

Pat Bagley from the Salt Lake Tribune.

Trump - I Pledge Allegiance.JPG

    ^ malarkey  


     The spectacle of the supposed "Grateful Dead Scene" wishing elderly men to jail forever over process crimes for the sake of a long ago exposed coup attempt is rather sad & pathetic.  Some of you should really be ashamed of yourselves.

Jerry Garcia and John Kahn 


May 5th, 1982


^What's pathetic is your continued defense of the Trump's criminal administration. 



Dear Prudence / When the Hunter get Captured by the Game  (JGB, 11 /11 / 93)


Bryen you should be ashamed of yourself. 


Maybe since you don't like the USA or the rule of law then you should leave it. You would fit right in over in 'capitalist russia'. 

>>>>>wishing elderly men to jail forever over process crimes


Is violating the emoluments clause of the constitution a process crime?  Asking for a president.


This goes out to the racist, criminal in the white house and to his loathsome defenders...


Zappa---treacherous cretins...




     It's a free country, that's why we left England...do whatever you want, I just think it's kind of lame to take some perverse joy in seeing elderly men go to jail over process crimes that have nothing to do with collusion/conspiracy with Russia to advance some agenda to overturn an election, but if that's your thing by all means, enjoy every moment of it, you do you.  

So you think government officials should be able to break the law as long as its not colluding with a foreign power or as long as its just some “light passive” collusion?

FYI, a process crime is still a crime.  Maybe they shouldn’t have committed them.

Also, what’s with the elderly distinction?  Trump holds the highest office in the land.  He’s not some dude in an old folks home minding his own business.


no spot taken...


people willing to go on record as of March 1st, 2019 who still believe the fairy tale the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to impact the 2016 presidential election:

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You’re really clinging to that huh?  Russian interference in our election isn’t a question.  Pretending that’s the only thing this admin could have done wrong is all you’ve got.  Also, it wasn’t just Russia.



Doubtful that  Bry actually believes the Trump  propaganda he’s spreading here. I knew a paid political operative in NH - he worked tirelessly to spread GOP Propaganda. that was in the 80’s.  He’d show up 2 years before the Presidential elections. They paid for his housing and all he had to do was influence the locals and voting college students.  Vern made good money pimping for the GOP. That was before social media, much easier to do the job Bry does now. 


     So Nancy...are you saying you believe the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to impact the 2016 presidential election?




How is it not collusion when Don Jr. meet with a Russian lawyer tied to the Kremlin in Trump Tower after she sent him an email promising dirt on Hillary. When confronted they completely lied about what the meeting was about making up some story about adoptions. The only question at this point is whether Don Jr will testify against his dad.

Anyone who thinks Don Jr didn’t tell his dad about that meeting is in the same camp as those flat earth people


     Are you referring to the Russian lawyer Glenn Simpson met with BEFORE AND AFTER the Trump Tower meeting?  That Russian lawyer?  [adoptiongate]


You do understand that there is a difference between hiring a firm to look into your opponents illegal ties to Russia and working with Russia to spread emails stolen from your opponent. And of course they met with her, she was a Russian Spy!!!! If you are investigating Trumps illegal ties to Russia, you want would want to meet with Russian spys.

But of course this is a classic whataboutism response. Was the Trump tower meeting with Don Jr. collusion?

^Just a reminder,  Trump campaign manager,  Paul Manafort , was also present at that meeting. 


And the Russian lawyer's name is Natalia V. Veselnitskaya.



    "Was the Trump tower meeting with Don Jr. collusion?"

     No, it wasn't.




Dude, why do you continue to hero worship Trump?

The whole fuckin' world knows he's a shit-heel monster.

Are you Byron York?  I think you just doxxed yourself.

kushner looks good in duct tape.

the salty ranger XO there is literally three of that skinny bastard. Note same height.

If it wasn't collusion why did Trump lie about the meeting and say it was about adoptions? Mr. York conveniently doesn't address that question in his article.  

Why has the Trump family been capable of doing what they're doing for over 4 years of investigations? 

Are they better than their opposition? What is taking so long if they are a such a stupid family?

Trump is an opportunist. I don’t think that he had any nefarious plans to collude to get elected, but he did do some shady shit. He sent his people off to see what the Russians, Assange, whoever, could do to help him. Again, not some big plot to have Putin take down HRC, but rather to use whatever he could get to his advantage.


>He sent his people off to see what the Russians, Assange, whoever, could do to help him.<


That sounds like collusion/conspiracy 


     I have some things to do today, continue to believe the scam if that's what you need to cope with your day to day reality, but it's still a scam, the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people, you have a few days left to figure out how you'll rationalize your beliefs moving forward, and fasten your seatbelts because you're about to see "whataboutism" taken to an entirely new level by the Jake Tappers & Rachael Maddows of this world.

Have a good day Byron.

Hey "Bryen", continue to believe that the Trump crime family has done nothing wrong and nothing to

hurt the country, if that's what you need to cope with your day to day reality.


Ya nepotism! USA! USA!



 Brassaaasssaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg!  Donkey sounds!

 Will give credit given for being consistent 

Timely article: The Case for Collusion

Moscow has cultivated right-wing parties overseas through a combination of covert payments to their leaders (often disguised as legitimate business transactions), illegal campaign donations, and propaganda support through traditional and social media….

…The fact that the same person who managed the campaign for the pro-Russian candidate in Ukraine next turned up (after a brief disappearance) to run the campaign of the pro-Russian candidate in the United States is merely one of an overwhelmingly long list of clues placing Trump in the pattern.

First, Trump developed financial ties with Russia, an effort that dates back to the 1980s. 

Second, Trump and Russia cooperated actively. During the campaign, 17 campaign officials and advisers had 100 contacts with Russians between them. They attempted to cover up these contacts by lying about them repeatedly, frequently risking perjury charges by doing so before Congress or the FBI. The breadth and the depth of their commitment in refusing to acknowledge their Russian contacts is striking, and impossible to square with any innocent explanation.

Third, Trump gave Russia a return on its investment. The Trump campaign’s sole intervention in the 2016 Republican platform debate was to beat back an amendment that would have endorsed arming Ukraine, which was facing slow dismemberment by Russia.

And finally, Trump has obstructed the investigation. Trump’s efforts to obstruct justice have been so persistent and flagrant that his supporters have hardly bothered to deny it. Instead they have presented obstruction as a “process crime,” a runner-up prize sought by Mueller in lieu of finding proof of true wrongdoing.

Trump has prevailed upon his underlings to lie and lie and lie about every aspect of his financial and political dealings with Russia. They have conceded nothing voluntarily, admitting only that which has been proven (and sometimes not even that), replacing old lies with new ones. They are hiding a corrupt relationship with Vladimir Putin’s gangster state. All that remains to be learned is details.


Cool paragraphs. How much longer can you guys wait? 

Do you care if this goes beyond the 2020 election which Trump could win even if he shot someone on 5th avenue?


     It sounds as if the Russia narrative is collapsing in real time this evening, stay tuned...

>>>>>in real time this evening, stay tuned...


Hannity is talking about Omar. 

That isn't what you said he would be talking about. 

>>>>>>> Here we go...




It's great living rent free in your head Slack, but the view is shitty as all get out.



You're looking through a folder of Devin Nunes memes. 



You should be looking at a folder of better life planning, but keep fluffin' Bryen, it's a good look on you.