Possibly insignificant but somewhat interesting things


record disc sizing.jpg

And, if you were 33 in '78 you were born in '45

Some of the earliest phonograph sets had a variable speed control, because of how inconsistent things were between manufacturers, recording equipment, playback equipment, etc., most recordings varied anywhere from 60-120 rpm. I have seen one that was 16 rpm.

most of these early players also featured a keyed center spindle, unique to the manufacturer. Which meant you had to buy their records in order to play them back at home.

I had a turntable that played 16 rpm discs. I didn't have any 16 rpm discs.

Of course there's a Wikipedia page for this sort of thing:


Scroll down for Unusual Speeds.

The thing about records that always mystified me is the speed of rotation at the outer edge of the record versus at the center. One rotation at the outer edge is a much longer distance than one at the center.

Mike the sonic effect of what you are referring to is called sibilance or inner groove distortion.

yes, it's a real thing. How bad or not depends on pretty much everything.

the oldest "records" were actually recordings etched into wax cylinders. I don't have any way to play them (the wax itself was all broken up and melted) but this is how they came. You will note the 160 rpm playback speed:



My favorite are the x ray records. I don't own any and they aren't particularly costly, just obviously pretty poor quality. This is how music was smuggled into and out of most soviet bloc countries. I think most are 78 rpm. You can click on them and have a listen




> And, if you were 33 in '78 you were born in '45

Yet all three records are ROUND surprise

 And, if you were 45 in '78 you were born in '33.



Or this one, I just love the name: Father's Eccentricities



My brother collected old radios and electronics, and we had one of these in the house growing up:


I remember some music on the reels but there were also some blue comedy skits there too. Quality was minimal.

We also had an old Dictaphone that would record on blue plastic belts:


Cool old stuff, and we actually fixed these things and got them to working order.

 Giraffes are 30 times more likely to get hit by lightning than people.


Don't those giraffes know to go indoors when the thunder roars?

Especially if they're playing golf.

Garcia/Round Records Image | Grateful Dead  Eric Schwartz' Grateful Dead Collection  Lone Star Dead Radio - Vinyl   The Faster We Go......