Paparazzi and sexual harassment


This industry should be next. While reading a news story, there was click bait at the end regarding naked photos of so and so by the pool - I think the Sun is a British tabloid. Assuming the celebrities did not consent, wouldn't it be sexual harassment? Pretty sure if I took a naked  pic of a coworker and sold it to a tabloid, I would be fired. Discuss... 

Hey, sex sells, usually. 

Yes,  but who has the right to sell your naked images without your permission just because you are famous?

Public nudity is open season for photography. If you want privacy, rent a private beach. 

I still think paparazzi or publications should be required to obtain a release. Naked or not. If you live to have your image bought and sold, fine, your business. Otherwise.... 

...don't go naked in public.

I will go naked wherever I want (until I get famous). 

Exactly. And have fun.