Mike Johnson, here we go again


As someone who's a bit of a CSPAN junkie, he's awful ... to say the least.

I can see why Republicans selected him - but he won't get the votes 

Even snakes are afraid of snakes

"He wasn’t good enough to be our first pick. Or our second. Or our third…. But we sure are excited about our FOURTH choice….”

He is the Speaker.

The fuckwits finally figured out you call the vote when you know when you know you have the numbers.

So they exchanged one right wing wackadoodle for one who's even wackadoodlier. Nothing to see here, folks. Business as usual for this Congress. They'll do committee investigations and try to impeach the Biden's dog, but they won't be able to legislate with the Dems in control of the Senate and Biden in the WH.

^^^ They have no intent or desire to legislate only block, delay and investigate 

I watched Johnson's acceptance speech. He mentioned God in that speech more  than a drunk TV evangelist on a Sunday morning rant on the 700 club. Truly frightening.

> I watched Johnson's acceptance speech.

It's good to know what the enemy is up to, Woz, but that's just straight up masochism. You okay?

the Johnsons have had a say for some time...


 > It's good to know what the enemy is up to, Woz, but that's just straight up masochism. You okay?

I'm drinking heavily......listening to 10/25/79 and trying to get the floss through my ears to cleanse my brain........so, I guess that's a "no"

This guy gets worse by the minute.....

He is from my voting district(town). Never have cared for him. He's another hack in my book.

Just started reading True West - Myth and Mending on the Far Side of America from Betsy Gaines Quammen. She wrote American ZIon, which was GREAT, and I ran to Torrey House Press on the pub date Tuesday and bought this new one. Loving this new one,  too. THP is a GREAT non-profit publisher doing really good things.  https://www.torreyhouse.org/

Both books are a high recommend, if interested IMO. 

Funny. In the beginning of the book, she goes to one of these creation museums, like one in Glendive in her home state of Montana. They depict dinosaurs being loaded on to Noah's Ark (seriously) and she does an interview with the museum director and discusses other museums of the like. It seems things like the Grand Canyon were formed by the waters receding after Noah's flood. Uh-huh. 

Then I get on Huff Po yesterday and see where Mr. Johnson espouses the same views, that the Earth is only 6,000 years old and dinosaurs roamed with humans around.  Unf**king believable. 


New House Speaker Thinks Creationist Museum Is 'Pointing People To The Truth'

An ark replica with dinosaurs "is one way to bring people to this recognition ... that what we read in the Bible are actual historical events,” Mike Johnson said.

wow.   How do folks that are that stupid tie their own shoes?


Monica Lewinsky with the Mike drop

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"I gotta tell you, the longer you live, the more you look around, the more you realize, something is fucked up.

Something is wrong here." ~ George Carlin


Trump's dirty little Johnson.

~John Fugelsang~




A Vile trumper   ~ He Will be Toast in 2024

Or Trump's VP in 2024


Pence 2.0



Now that just ain't right.


My Rep.  He has a house out by the lake.


Adopted son's tell-all book announced in 3...2...


Let's start some ugly rumors.

> My Rep.

I don't know who has it worse, jaz. Your rep is MAGA Mike, but mine is Spineless Kevin McCarthy.

> Let's start some ugly rumors.

Johnson made his adopted son take wrestling lessons from Jim Jordan.

^ Johnson made his adopted son take wrestling lessons from Jim Jordan.

that's actually safer than from Dennis Hastert!!!  



Strange days. . .

Because everyone knows you can't have a circle jerk with just one person.

Mike Johnson said he and his 17-year-old son use an app that alerts each other if they look at porn


That's a different father/ son bond.  

good work taliban amerikka