Climate Change Town Hall (Dem Edition) as if,,,


Even though I’m trying to limit my CNN intake the town halls tonight where alright,,,

Yang, Bernie, Warren , all killed it

 Mayor Pete on now, everyone doin well except Biden.

Would have been really nice if DNC wasn’t trying to squash Tulsi


biden’s at his fossil fuel executives fundraising today. lol. trash. 

I'm sure the ratings for this pandering fiasco were sky high.

^lol. did trump tweet that out this morning? mother fucker can’t even think for yourself. 

<Would have been really nice if DNC wasn’t trying to squash Tulsi>

DNC is scared of her after she mopped the floor with their darling Kamala. Tulsi is of high integrity, and DNC lacks integrity, therefore she must go.

She's got a full set of Samsonite.

^who doesn't?

Was anyone asked about impeachment?

(Let me guess: "no")

Impeachment of climate change?

DNC lacks integrity, therefore she must go.<<<


Does anyone in DC have integrity. 

I have little faith in that.

compared to Moscow Mitch and Putin's puppet in the White House, yes the DNC has bigly integrity. It's like comparing apples to hand grenades. Sure, I'd prefer less rotten apples..but I trust that Warren, Bernie or Harris will clean up the mess if they get the nomination. Not so hopeful about Biden, but even he is better than the GOP. 

Without a declared position and comprehensive mandate pertaining to impeachment and the "nature of the mess", why should any given candidate be trusted to clean up said mess?

Or, is has the situation not developed to the point of it generating sufficient concern?

Why the big game of always alluding to something really bad that's going down, yet not treating the problem as such in reality in terms of using all tools available?


2020 Dems: big business, air travel, and meat are all to blame for the climate crisis.

CNN: Tonight's town hall brought to you by Invesco, Priceline, and Golden Corral's endless meat buffet!

^I had no idea that CNN was in it for the money!

That did give me a chuckle, though...

I mostly support Sanders, but I felt Warren did equally well. Would be awesome if they teamed up, but it really looks like the DNC has set its end goal on Biden regardless of these town halls.

>>>2020 Dems: big business, air travel, and meat are all to blame for the climate crisis.

>>>CNN: Tonight's town hall brought to you by Invesco, Priceline, and Golden Corral's endless meat buffet!

I know this must be confusing because on the left we use this thing called our brains that lets us look at current circumstances and extrapolate into the future. Then we use those same brains to imagine solutions to problems that we know are coming.

Therefore we don’t have a problem living under the current circumstances -  where a capitalist media outlet hosts a debate about future problems and possible solutions -  while at the same time taking money from advertisers who in the near future would have to act differently to fix those problems.

But of course that is not the point of the post which is to avoid -  at all costs -  talking about the actual problem, by making up some perceived hypocrisy which never can be won. Because when a child climate activist actually sails to meeting she is a publicity whore who doesn’t understand the world we live in.  

Keep in mind that Thom is a gaping anal pore.


We need to let the dnc know that we will not vote for biden. EVER. Nip that shit in the bud.

Any hemp talk?

We need to let the dnc know that we will not vote for biden. EVER. <<

F that.  Vote blue, no matter who, in the general. (notyoutulsi)

The DNC doesn't elect anyone.




I really hope Biden doesn’t get enough votes to win the Primary. The only way to prevent that is to have either Bernie or Elizabeth drop out so they don’t split the progressive vote. And hell  yeah, old senile Biden is still better than old senile shit for brains lying sack of shit traitor Trump. I’m over old senile white men for POTUS - please drop out, Bernie and campaign for Warren. 


Will Lebron and Jay-Z stand on the same stage with Biden like they did with Hillary? 

warren is going to have to drop out and learn from organizer in chief bernie sanders. 

she can be president in 8 years. 

LOL you bitches will get trump or biden AND LIKE IT


Clearly, not a big jump is needed for him to engage in "method acting".