Any Scrabble fans out there?


Happy hygge! Scrabble dictionary adds hundreds of words

Yeehaw! Some of my other faves mentioned in the article are roid, skeezy, mofongo, zedonk, adorbs, grawlix...

We bring travel scrabble everywhere. We also play on phones in long lines. 


Haven't played in years as I crush Alex almost every time /:

We play scrabble a lot.  When we dated, I invented theme scrabble...first theme was sex, drugs, rock & roll.  the player had to convince the competition how each word chosen pertained to said subject. 

Now we play open book.  We like to learn words, origination of words etc.  We managed two games during the last Billy show.  We've gotten pretty quick at it!  I sometimes have to resort to...Suq.

In general, though, I don't like the scrabble dictionary.  It isn't ..professional, in my mind.  couldn't use some of those words in court, for example.

Perhaps I'm wrong....fact, Ken?

I have a q without u Scrabble shirt that I wear often but still can't recall more than 2 or 3 words. 

Qat and Qwerty come to mind.

I love Scrabble, but with the goal being beautiful words rather than points, and no winner or loser.




We play Scrabble all the time.

I play Words With Friends with my Mom and sister :)

N O W I N N E R S ?

I used to play nick.

Nope, none.

going for beauty and elegance. It's also OK to move words around so that new excellence can occur. You can even play off the edge of the  board if you have to.

> You can even play off the edge of the board if you have to.

I was skeptical until I read ^this^, but now I'm intrigued. Also, with that kind of freedom, I would think diagonal words are okay.

QAID is a word in the Scrabble dictionary

> Qi

Two letter words, Ned? Really?

that floor is dope


No, not me, just a great pic

Hahaha awsum judit!

Bss I saw a pic of that floor. So kickass~ I read there are a bunch of hidden words in it

We need a zoner scrabble tourney!!!!!